Jonesy NPC Dialogue and Quest Comments (Fortnite)

This isn't a full, comprehensive list, as some quests had comments after you completed them and there's some miscellaneous dialogue that wasn't as well documented,.


Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Season 1

Agent Jones (Jump 42) Fortnite skin.
Jump 42

Agent Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"I'm Agent Jones. Yes, THAT Agent Jones."

"Need some help from reality's finest hero?"

"Talk about a gear upgrade."

"I'll provide morale. And leadership."

"This might make you nauseous."

"Er... This is awkward..."

"I'm still working on Geno."

Chapter 3 Season 2

Agent Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"Good to see you, Looper!"

"It's time to save reality."

"It's rebellion-ready."

"I got your six, Looper."

"Launching a blimp raid?"

"Long time, big guy. I see you're still a huge fan of... Chainsaws..."

"Are you up to something? You look like you're up to something."

"Have you spoken to the Scientist?"

"Er... This is awkward..."

"I'm still working on Geno."

Resistance Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"Ready to spy on Slone?"

"Ever stolen data from a blimp before? ... Want to?"

"I'm sending you on an extremely well-armored joyride."

"Why'd the banana cross the bridge? To learn how to drive, obviously."

"Place these anti-tank rounds while we have a chat..."

"I'm hearing rumors of a weapons shortage? That can't be right."

"I need you to investigate some really, really bad intel."

"Wanna mess with Slone's propaganda machine?"

"My Imagined Order credentials have gotta be here somewhere..."

"I'm in a mood to hack into a top-secret Imagined Order server."

"We've gotta talk about that party. And also, clean up from that party."

"It's been a complicated day. I need a break."

"I need to know more about the Sisters: The Imagined, and The Order."

"I have an idea. A science-y idea."

"Those control panels can be found deep within the air vents of Command Cavern."

"Ooh boy. We're gonna need some last-minute target practice."

"Peely could use a last-minute lesson from a driving pro like you."

Chapter 3 Season 4

Agent Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"This goopy metal stuff seems bad, huh?"

"Ready to save the Island again?"

"Nice choice."

"I guess it's all Joneses on deck, huh?"

"You okay, buddy?"

"You look familiar. Are you from TV?"

"I'm watching you."

"I know your older brother. He's cool. Very swole."

"Now THAT is some suit."

"Hey, love the outfit! Does that come in red and blue?"

Paradise Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"It's just you and me now. Let's see if the Seven left us something useful to save the Island."

"You get to the Reality Tree. I'll... Deal with AMIE."

"Check the Reality Tree's roots. We need to figure out how the infection is spreading..."

"If you can record that odd sound, I think we can decode it."

"AMIE will decode this hidden message. I can talk her into it..."

"If you can bring us parts, I can gently coax AMIE into building us a translator... I think."

"Take the Translator to the Tree's roots. It's time to see if we can talk to Paradigm."

"Activate the test chamber switches and let's see how bad this Chrome really is."

"Help AMIE find the Origin's Chrome battle plans. Hey, do you think she's warming up to me?"

"I guess we... Attack the Herald? You'll be fine. Probably."

"We're back online!"

"We need to boost the signal coming from the Paradigm."

"Message from the Paradigm incoming..."

"If we're attuned to the Island, we can't lose."

"Plant the attunement anchors. When they're ready, give me a sign."

"We need to get the rest of the Scientist's notes to the Paradigm."

"These energy readings should help us refine communication with the Paradigm."

"AMIE has an interesting theory about the Storm."

"The best way to track Storm phase data is to stay in the fight."

"We're running out of options. If we can't get this data to the Paradigm, we're in trouble."

"Communicating with a tree requires plant power."

"These seeds should triangulate Bushranger's connection to the Reality Tree."

"The Paradigm declassified the Loop Breaker project? That's... That's a bad sign."
"The Loop Breaker data is encrypted on our Research Lab Terminals."
"Enter the hidden access code, and the files should download to your device."

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Season 4

Agent Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"Hey! I'm back!"

"So I hear we have a time-travelling vampire problem now? Well that's just... super..."

"Tell people you got this from The Legend."

"Trust me. You'll use this..."

"See you on the other side of all this, buddy."

"Looks like all your "machinations" fell apart. Get it? Because... yeah, you get it."

"Slick work on that heist. Slone knows how to pick 'em."

"Keep counting, birdie. I think we can fix this."

"I don't know what's more dangerous, you shooting at me, or you talking to me."

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Season 1

Vengance Jones Fortnite skin with and without sunglasses.

Vengeance Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"There's no doubt in my mind The Society's to blame for Peely's disappearance."

"Where are you, buddy? Oh...hi..."

"They took Peely because of my history. They thought they could use me."

"With my best bud rescued, I'll be ready for anything..."

"Hope was right. This whole Island needs help."

"It's all been building up to this. Time to confront The Society."

"Trust me. There's a reason they don't call me Friendship Jones."

"Sometimes you gotta throw your support behind the right side."

"Greetings from The Underground, friend."

"The Society is going to pay."

"Don't let up til we save Peely."

"From the Underground's armory."

"They'll never see you coming."

"It's time for our final face-off with The Society."

"I don't know anything about this relic you're looking for. You should've left Peely out of this."

"You thought it was funny to pick on a poor, defenseless banana?"

"Hope thinks you're better than The Society. I think you're all the same."

"Everything you've built is gonna shatter."

"We make a good team. I'm glad I didn't have to do this alone."

"Until they return Peely, I'm gonna make The Society's lives... difficult."

"No sign of Peely yet. I think The Society are moving him from place to place."

"I know why I'm fighting The Society. What's your reason?"

"You're The Society's thief, huh? Ever take a person before? A banana, maybe?"

"En garde!"

"You! Where's Peely? What have you done with him?"

"You look tough, but no one's keeping me from finding my friend."

Takedown Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"Good job! Those Society jerks seem suitably distracted."

"If they've got Peely in one of those vaults, I hope they cracked a window..."

"The Society get their power from these Medallions. So, let's power up."

"I've had a "chat" with some of those goons. They gave me some clues about Peely."

"We want to get The Society running scared. Let's take out their lieutenants."

"It's time to confront the big cat about where The Society is keeping Peely."

"I bet that fancy Montague guy is the one who's got Peely. Let's take him down."

"I hope Montague enjoys watching us tear his little Society apart."

"WE DID IT!! We saved Peely! Thank you." (Source: ehebai's Twitter)

Chapter 5 Season 3

Vengeance Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"Yeah. You're talking to the unstoppable Vengeance Jones."

"Society, down. Zeus, down. Who's NEXT?!"

"You need a brooding, handsome hero of vengeance? I'm your man."

"I could get used to this whole hero thing."

"I've been told I'm the strong and silent type. I think that's pretty accurate."

"Yeah, I'm pretty impressive."

"We took down a god. What chance does Megalo Don stand?"

"Oh, this is a good one."

"Keep yourself safe out there."

"Boom goes the... well, that."

"I'll follow your lead... but we've got this."

"Hope really believes in you. Don't squander that."

"Wow, I just LOVE what they've done to the place."
"Blinding sand? Scorching sun? A power- crazed tyrant? My favorites!"
"Just kidding. You ready to do what we do best?"
"I'll patch you into my comms with Hope. We've got some work to do."

"The Island's been doomed before. By a mystical box-shaped villain, even!"
"But this time feels different. I may not speak, uh, gem-lish like Hope does..."
"...But I've been around enough apocalypses to know who's got the heart to stop one in its tracks."
"This one, I think, is all on Hope."
"We should do what we can to help her."

Chapter 5 Season 3 Story Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"Welcome to the wasteland. We've got a new mission for you."

"Good to have you back, pal. Let's get to work."

"If we want to keep up with Megalo Don, we'll need vehicles that can keep pace with his."

"If the loot's in your inventory, it's not in Megalo Don's. And I consider that a win."

"Stay geared up and ready."

"Megalo Don is hiding something. You need to get into that Refinery and figure out what it is."

"Log into any Terminal and upload everything you find to Hope's secure uplink."


"While Hope digs through the rest of those files... Why don't we sabotage Megalo Don?"

"I can always count on you to smash stuff up just right."

"A little combat chaos should disrupt Megalo Don's plans nicely."

"I don't love how much Megalo Don seemed to enjoy the show..."

"Peabody's got the next Gemstone. Um... Whoever that is."

"Huh. Pea. Body. Got it."

"We're doing garden chores so a pea man will give us a rock. Life's weird sometimes."

"Alright, what's next on Peabody's to-do list?"

"Is "testing tire bounciness" a real thing mechanics do?"

"I feel like we're being pranked."

"If we want that Gem, we'll have to find Dummy."

"He was... a character."

"Well... I guess we're finishing Dummy's work for him."

"Those look like collected car parts to me!"

"Peabody should trade these parts for the Gemstone."

"Peabody might know something about Megalo Don's security."

"Huh. Weird guy. Nice, but weird."

"Those secret caches have gotta be out there."

"That explosion was especially fiery."

"Maybe someone else got to the cache first?"

"No gems on anyone out there. I guess I'm not surprised..."

"Megalo Don has to have a map to his caches, right?"

"He really calls it his "Map-o-lodon?" Yikes..."

"The moment of truth. The gem's gotta be in this cache."

"Time to open it..."

"Smash this thing open and grab the gem!"

"That's it! Get that gem to Hope!!"

"Magneto's been talking to Hope. It's time to find out what he knows."

"He seems... nervous."

"Let's have a quick chat, pal."

"I think Hope will want to talk to you too..."

Chapter 5 Season 4

Captain Jones Fortnite skin

Captain Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"I guess it's us vs. Doom, huh? Bring it on!"

"I think I'm done with vengeance. Time for some justice."

"Hope's facing down her proper supervillain. I'm so proud!"

"You can call me Captain Jones. And check out... wait, where'd I put that shield...?"

"It's been a minute since I've had to face down an apocalypse. Ah, nostalgia..."

"It felt really good to be mad, for a long time. But I'm done with that."

"I figured out that there's more to life than vengeance."

"Yeah, you can run around with it for a bit."

"Small but might. Like all of us."

"What would ya like to know?"

"See what 'a strong hand' gets you? Villains, every time. Duh."

"You're doing great, kiddo. Keep up the fine work. "

"I can't say I'm a big fan of the guy, for obvious reasons."
"He's not gonna win. I don't think. You always expect one of these to be your last, I guess."
"But Hope and the Avengers and the whole team, have got that. I believe in us."

"Hope's coming into her own as a hero, and I'm really proud of her."
"I remember those pressures. Saving the world is a heavy burden to bear."
"I was like, "Why me?" "I'm just a guy!" "Who are all these heroes flying around in hi-tech suits?""
"She's ready. I know she is. And we'll have her back every step of the way."

"If I never get sassed by that sentient bowl of soup again, it'll be too soon."
"That said, I respect her... even if her 'prophecies' don't tell us much."
"At least THIS ally isn't going to betray us and try to shoot me. I hope."
"Though honestly, I'd love to see her try."

"We've found the Oracle's "feline ally." Shuri paid me a visit this morning."
"She has a plan to take down Doom's favorite Doombot."
"I'm still getting details from her, but if we can take down that big bot,"
"We might get closer to finding the real guy."

Chapter 5 Season 4 Story Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"Doom can't have gone far. We need to find him."

"No sign of him... but I have a better idea of what we're up against."

"Doom wanted us to find that helmet. D'you see anything else in the field he might have left behind?"

"I'm not seeing additional armor pieces... Or any trace of where Doom might be."

"Wow, he sure likes to talk..."

"I'm looking for something specific..."

"Let me get you up to speed."

"One of these henchmen might have a shipping manifest on them."

"Interesting... I'll analyze this and get back to you."

"If we're facing off against Doom, we're going to need good gear."

"Ooh, can I borrow that one?"

"War Machine's been analyzing those henchmen notes. Ask him about 'em."

"Exciting, right?! I mean, terrifying, but exciting!"

"Practice makes perfect. Especially when it comes to hovering boots."

"Have I ever told you you've got great balance?"

"Show Hope she won't have to face Doom alone."

"I've gotta get myself one of those."

"I've got an update. Come talk to me."

"Shuri's plan is risky... but it just might work. I'll be in touch."

"Mysterio likes this place to look perfect. Let's get under his skin."

This place is... creepy..."

"Hey! Iron Man's here! Talk to him - but be COOL about it, okay?"

"Thanks for not embarrassing me."

"Now that we have access to Tony's tech, we should check it out."

"Wow, he went all out with this Stark tech."

"Science says speed equals distance over time. Tony says trick shots are cool."

"Tony was SO right. Trick shots are EXTREMELY cool."

"The Rift Recalibrator signal should reach all the way to Doom's castle. Let's check."

"Signal's strong!"

"This has to be powerful enough to take on Doom... Right?"

"That might do the trick."

"If Tony's Repulsors can't do the job, his Unibeam can."

"The perfect tool for ironing out contingencies."

Day of Doom Quests on the Fortnite Wiki

"Alright, let's put an end to this. Once and for all."

"Hey, if they're working for Doom, they're the BAD GUYS."

"I need a scout. Cover as much ground as you can."

Absolute Doom Event on the Fortnite Wiki

"Everyone, keep firing at him! We got this!"

"Stay focused! We can do this together!"

"I got your back!"

"We did it!"

"Everyone okay?"


Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Season 1

Vengance Jones Fortnite skin with and without sunglasses.

Vengeance Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

"Hey. It's you again."

"I guess change doesn't always stick."

"Magic. Huh."

"When you're in a suspicious mood, everyone seems supicious."

"I'm on a mission."

"Ready for a firefight."

"Just try me, demon."

"You want my trust? You'll have to earn it."

"Alright, demon. You've earned my trust... for now."

"Hm. What did curiosity do to the cat again?"

"Real life isn't a story, buddy."

"You're not telling us everything."

"I like the new look. Very "parkour"."


"Hope and I are looking for something."
"... That's all you're getting."

"Hope and I are looking for something."
"If it is what I think it is... and it's where I think it is..."
"Then we've got a problem."
(Source: djlorenzouasset's Twitter)

"Hope trusts him, which means... I gotta trust him too."
"He's got a good heart. And a sword, I guess."
"Not sure which one will be more important when push comes to shove."

Chapter 6 Season 1 Expertise Quests - SMG Expertise

"You seem like someone ready to show off their expertise."
"If you can impress me, I can make a strong weapon available to you... for a price."
"Complete my expertise quests, and I can sell you a high-tier weapon."

"Let's hope you never need the training I'm about to give you."

"Flexibility is the key to a firefight."

"You want to impress me? Take some risky shots."

"The key is focus. And, well, aim."

"The real world doesn't let you know before a test, but I will. This time."

"Show me what you can do. Again."

"Well done! Nice work there."
"Come and talk to me if you're looking to purchase a high-tier SMG."
"But fair warning, you will need to continue proving yourself to retain access to this sale."

Chapter 6 Season 2

Vengeance Jones on the Fortnite Wiki

Current Fortnite Wiki link - goes to default right now. Maybe?

[Season still in progress, will add later]

Dialogues and info on Twitter to double check later:


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